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Wednesday 23 April 2014

SDTM(Study Data Tabulation Model): An Introduction (continued)

Of the numerous standards developed by CDISC, this blog focus on one of the standards i.e SDTM.SDTM is defined   with  two key documents-The Study Data Tabulation Model, and the SDTM Implementation Guide(SDTMIG).

Study Data Tabulation Model : Defines the content and tabulation standard for regulatory submission of case report tabulations in clinical research studies

SDTMIG: Intended to guide the organization, structure and format of clinical trial tabulation datasets submitted to regulatory authority such as US Food and Drug Administration(FDA)

Data in SDTM are structured within as

Observation : A discrete piece of information collected during a trial. Observations are rows or records within a dataset, described by series of variables (columns).

Ex: Heart-rate observation in the Vital Signs (VS) domain.

Domain: Collection of observations with a common topic. Each domain is represented by single dataset and distinguished by unique, two character code that is consistently used throughout the submission. This code is used in four ways
·        As the dataset name
·        The value of the DOMAIN variable in that dataset
·        As prefix for most variable names in that dataset
·        As value in RDOMAIN variable in relationship tables

Two character code for Vital signs domain
Ex: Heart-rate observation in the Vital Signs (VS) domain.

Variables: There are five types of variable defined by the role they perform within the observation
Identifier: Indentifies the observation or record in terms of study,subject,domain,sequence within the domain etc
Topic: Specify the focus of the observation
Timing : Define the timing of the observation
Qualifier: Contains additional information related to the topic

Rule: Defines an algorithm for indentifying starts and end,(only used in Trial Design domains)

Core Variables: These are categorized into three types